I’m a bad athlete. I even failed PE one year in High School, but I am learning to be a good golfer. Group Golf Coaching is working. I am getting better. When I first started playing I went with some friends and found out I wasn’t very good. I was shooting 130 and having trouble keeping up. Now I shoot in the 90’s almost all the time.
My ball striking has improved. I have a much better idea of the concepts of how to swing my whole body to hit the ball. I used to think that you just stood there flat footed and swipe at it with your hands. Now I know a lot more and as I practice, I continue to get better every day.
The most important thing that I have gotten from Group Coaching is perseverance. I have been a notorious quitter my whole life, if something didn’t come easy I’d can it and move on, but not with golf. I am sticking with this! I am refusing to get discouraged and I am not accepting failure I am going to keep coming and keep working at it and continue to set new goals. I am never going to be satisfied with where I am at. And I know that with the team of instructors here they’ll always be here to help me along the way.
-- Paul T.

I’m in my 40’s, an injured veteran, and recently retired from Federal Government Service due to having too many injuries. Of my 34 Vertebrae most have some type of bone or disc damage. A recent car accident left me thinking that my only option was to get rid of my golf clubs. It’s hard for me to write this remembering how sad I was at the time.
After the Persian Gulf War I used to play in a league at Twin Lakes Golf Course and that is when I first met Don Parsons. I thought I’d ask him to help to see if there was any chance of being able to get back on the course. It wasn’t that I couldn’t swing the club, it was the pain it caused. A good day and I would be in pain for two or three days. A bad day and the pain lasted for weeks.
The point is, most of the time people go to a swing coach to learn to hit the ball better; I went to be able to continue to play the game I love. Not only did he rehabilitate my swing, but he rehabilitated ME.
I am so grateful that I made that call. Now I am able to play the game I love.
-- George R.

I was nervous going to Group Coaching because I had no experience with golf and I didn’t know how it would work out with me being such a beginner. After the first session I felt welcome, I felt we could all keep learning regardless of our experience level.
After my husband died, I decided I wanted to be outside and active and golf was something that interested me.
From the very start, I felt very comfortable with every one at Twin Lakes. From the coaches, to the staff, to the other players in the program. We all became close. It was ACCEPTANCE, being part of a group where we were all friendly with each other and PLAY together.
-- Beth M.